Those with Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degrees also focus on the body’s musculoskeletal system. Physicians diagnose and treat medical issues and help patients maintain their health, prescribe medications and perform and interpret medical tests. Nurses also spend a lot of time on their feet and may need to lift or move patients. Nurses spend time in the presence of hazardous diseases or substances and must follow protocols to ensure their own safety. Nurses may pursue a bachelor’s degree in nursing, an associate degree in nursing or a diploma from a nursing program, depending on how quickly they want to enter the field and if they want to eventually pursue higher roles. Some nurses may not actively work with patients and instead serve as nurse educators, health care consultants or hospital administrators. Nurses may work on a team with other health care specialists and doctors. Registered nurses assess patients' health conditions, organize care and provide emotional support for patient families in hospitals, medical facilities or other medical settings.